Intro to Law students hosted SSG Daley and SSG Bettincourt for an afternoon learning about military law and basic control-hold techniques.
2 months ago, Eric Carlson
SSG Daley
SSG Bettincourt
MACH drills 1
MACH drills 2
Mrs. Phillips and journalism students today are beginning to distribute trash bags to those who purchased some. You should expect to get yours within the next few days. Let Mrs. Phillips know if you have any questions. Thank you so much to all those who bought trash bags to support our program. Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraisers!
2 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Missing a couple people, but enjoying our second work night of the year! Each person brought a different charcuterie board to share.
2 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Students stand for a photo together at work night.
Having fun after school! It's so great to have the kids playing and interacting together and using their imaginations!
2 months ago, Taylor Wilkins
After school club fun!
After school club fun!
Chemistry students identifying metals using a flame test.
2 months ago, Jessica Greenfield
chem lab
chem lab
chem lab
Check out what Mrs. Nickell and her classes have done in November and what's to come in December!
2 months ago, Jodee Nickell
Purchase the 2024-2025 yearbook today! The cost per yearbook is $50. Please reach out to Mrs. Phillips with any questions.
2 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Purchase the 2024-2025 yearbook today!
The entire seventh grade got to kick off the holiday season by watching " A Christmas Carol" at KC Rep theater! 📓🎭
2 months ago, Jalynn Guiot
Time for the Middle School dance!
3 months ago, Taylor Wilkins
STUCO Members checking out the photo backdrop!
Humboldt Middle School Dance 1. The fall dance will be on Tuesday, November 26TH from 7:00-9:00pm. 2. It will be in the HS cafeteria. 3. Students will enter and exit through the south doors near the old gym. 4. All HMS and USD 258 rules will be followed. 5. Only HMS students currently enrolled can attend the dance. 6. Students on the ineligible list will not be allowed to attend. 7. We will follow the HMS dress code. 8. This is not a formal dance, but we are asking that students look nice. 9. Dress in clothing that is not going to cause you to get too hot or cold. 10. Wear shoes that you will be comfortable dancing in. 11. The cost is $5 per person. 12. If a student leaves the dance, they will not be permitted to return. 13. Students will not be permitted to be outside of the cafeteria, lobby, or bathroom. 14. There will be water for sale. 15. Students can come to the dance alone, with a date (from HMS) or in a group. 16. Students can bring their cell phones, but they will be kept in a box. Students will have access to their phones to take pictures. 17. We will have cards and board games available for those that don’t really feel like dancing, but want to attend anyway. 18. Please don’t arrive before 6:40 and please be picked up by 9:15. 19. The Student Council will be responsible for set up and take down of the decorations, tables, and chairs. The more help we have after the dance, the quicker it goes.
3 months ago, Jeremy Weilert
Just a reminder that the Humboldt Rec is paying for USD 258 families to enjoy the magic of the movies this weekend. You can go to the Iola Theater and watch a movie for free! Check out the flyer or visit the Humboldt Recreation Commission's Facebook page for more details or.
3 months ago, Staci Hudlin
Rec Movie
We're always so very thankful for our bus drivers. These guys got sprinkled with some Holiday Cheer today ❤️
3 months ago, Darcie Croisant
The first annual Jerdsgiving is officially in the books! We enjoyed a traditional Thanksgiving meal complete with all the sides, appetizers, desserts as well as sparkling apple and grape juice. Everyone named one thing they are thankful for and we also played a couple games. It was a great time kicking off the holiday season together! Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving and break.
3 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Students grab food for the Jerdsgiving meal.
Students smile for a photo
Students smile for a photo
Students smile for a photo
Mr. Phillips and students play Uno.
Students smile for a photo
Students smile for a photo
Students smile for a photo
Students smile for a photo
A turkey cheeseball.
Sophia Barlow, yearbook editor-in-chief, assists seniors Brigg Shannon and Colden Cook with their yearbook pages on Monday afternoon. Thank you so much, Sophia, for all you do. Your hard work, leadership and organization is so appreciated.
3 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Sophia Barlow, yearbook editor-in-chief, assists seniors Brigg Shannon and Colden Cook with their pages on Monday afternoon. Thank you so much, Sophia!
3rd grade finished their human body unit by making edible spinal columns.
3 months ago, Hannah Lucas
Students finished their human body unit by making edible spinal columns!
3rd grade making edible Spinal columns
3rd grade making edible spinal columns
3rd grade students making edible spinal columns
3rd grade making edible spinal columns
Intro to journalism student Carter Collins works on designing an advertisement for the yearbook and newspaper in InDesign. Intro to journalism students are using their new skills with Adobe InDesign to create ads. Earlier this month, they each designed and created a front page of their very own newspaper, also on InDesign.
3 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Student works on ad.
Thank you so much to Mr. Shaun Goodwin, Boise State Athletics reporter for the Idaho Statesman newspaper, for speaking with the Cub Tracks news staff this morning via Zoom. Goodwin, who is a friend and KU classmate of Mrs. Phillips, spoke to the students about his job in Idaho covering Boise State football and basketball. He also gave valuable advice, tips and talked about the current journalism industry. Thank you again, Shaun, for taking the time out of your day to speak with student journalists!
3 months ago, Hailey Phillips
Idaho Statesman reporter speaks to journalism students.
4th grade got to work with our preschool classes today! It was an AMAZING time!
3 months ago, Baylea Bate
Reading books!
Reading books!
Reading books!
Students in Family Studies have been working on our Flower Pots and Families project. They compared their similarities, decorated their own pots, then looked up family crisis statistics. When they read their statistic, they dropped their pot (in a bag) and broke it. Now they are working on looking up family crisis resources and putting their pot back together. It takes time and patience, and will never be exactly the same, but it can be put back together.
3 months ago, Jodee Nickell
Exciting news: The Jerd banquet, celebrating accomplishments of journalism students throughout the 2024-2025 school year, will be at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 1, at the fieldhouse. More details to come. Reach out to Mrs. Phillips with any questions. Please mark your calendars for this upcoming event!
3 months ago, Hailey Phillips