Board of Education
Welcome to Preschool
Welcome to a new and exciting year of preschool! We are looking forward to working with you and your child this year. Our days at preschool will be filled with many wonderful experiences and opportunities for the children to learn, play, and grow. Preschool is a very exciting time when children learn about themselves as well as how to work and play with their peers.
School Schedule:
Morning preschool will begin daily at 7:55 a.m. and will dismiss at 11:00 a.m., Monday thru Friday. Afternoon preschool will begin daily at 12:15 p.m. and will dismiss at 3:25 p.m., Monday thru Friday. We will follow the USD #258 schedule for days out such as, holidays, teacher inservice, inclement weather, etc.
Arrival and Departure:
If morning preschoolers will be eating breakfast, they may arrive at 7:30 a.m. at the Humboldt Elementary building; otherwise preschool will begin at 8:00 a.m. Children eating breakfast will be bussed to the preschool. Afternoon preschool begins at 12:15 p.m. In order to insure safe arrivals and departures, parents and adult caregivers are responsible for walking the children into the elementary building or preschool building and signing the children in. Parents/caregivers will also be responsible for picking their children up inside the preschool building. Your promptness is appreciated. Parents/caregivers who are bringing or picking up children at the preschool should use the available parking on the street. However, the first parking stall in front of the preschool is reserved for bus parking. Thank you for your cooperation.
Regular and prompt attendance at preschool is important for your child. However, if your child will be absent due to illness or another situation, please call the preschool to let us know at 473-3997 or the elementary school at 473-2461. If your child is a morning bus rider, please call the bus driver first since she begins her route before actual school hours.
Preschool Curriculum:
The preschool curriculum is arranged in themes with stories, songs, art activities, language activities, fine and large motor activities, games and other activities supporting the themes. The curriculum incorporates opportunities for children to learn readiness skills necessary for their transition to kindergarten such as counting, identifying colors and shapes, self-help skills, and problem-solving skills.
Each child will be served a snack with milk daily. If you have any special instructions concerning food your child should or should not have, please notify me in writing.
Your child’s birthday may be celebrated at preschool during our snack time. Parents/caregivers are welcome to bring or send a special birthday snack to preschool. Please call me or send me a note a few days in advance. Summer birthdays are celebrated in May.
1. Each child needs a full-size backpack labeled with his/her name to take to and from preschool every day to transport papers, notes, and art work. We will supply each child with a two-pocket folder to send home papers and notes and receive important papers or notes from you.
2. Each child should bring a complete set of clothing to be kept at school for any type of situation where it would be necessary to change such as, a potty accident or a spill. This should include a shirt, pants, shorts, socks, and underwear.
Parent-teacher Communication:
Throughout the year I will communicate with you through monthly calendars, notes, telephone calls, progress reports, and parent-teacher conferences. Please be sure to check your child’s backpack each day for schoolwork and communication. You are always welcome to visit our classroom and I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. I look forward to a wonderful year with you and your child!
Pre-School Behavior Management Plan
At preschool, our goal is to maintain a safe and orderly environment in which your child can learn. Therefore, I place a great emphasis on encouraging appropriate behavior of the children to help them develop self-control, self-confidence, and self-discipline. An effort is made to help the children understand why some behaviors are not acceptable, and suggestions for more desirable behaviors are offered. The rules are posted in the classroom and reviewed often with the children. Classroom rules children are expected to learn to follow are:
1) Always listen to your teachers.
2) Be nice to others.
3) Take care of the things in our classroom.
4) Give Me 5:
Eyes watching.
Ears listening.
Mouth quiet.
Hands to yourself.
Hearts caring.
This rule is used during group time situations to gain the children's attention.
Consequences for breaking the rules are:
1) Positive redirection toward another activity.
2) Verbal warning stating the rule being broken and/or change of seat or activity.
If step 1 and 2 are unsuccessful in resolving the misbehavior, the child proceeds to the card system. The card system is a chart, which contains pockets that are labeled with each child’s name. Within each pocket are four different colored cards, which communicate the consequences for breaking the rules. All children begin each day on a green card with the goal of ending the day on green also. When a child continues to break a rule after steps 1 and 2 have been applied, they must change their cards to the next color:
3) Turn green card to yellow card—sit on “thinking carpet” for 3-4 minutes.
4) Turn yellow card to orange card—sit out for 4-5 minutes of recess or group game.
5) Turn orange card to red card—I contact parents and/or elementary principal.
All rules and consequences are discussed daily with the children. Those who stay on a green card all day will receive a sticker for their chart. Once they receive 10 stickers, they can pick a prize from my treasure box. Parental support and follow-through are necessary to any successful behavior management program. Please contact me if you have any questions.